flat roof repair

Benefits Of Having Your Roof Inspected

You may be dreading the winter and all of its snow, ice, and cold. But before you throw in the towel on this season, think about what a roof inspection can do for your home!  

To prepare your roof for winter weather, it’s essential to have a professional inspect it first. By doing so, you’ll know if any repairs are needed or if anything needs addressing before the heavy snows come. A thorough inspection will also make sure that no leaks occur during these months, which could cause damage inside your home as well as outside.

 You want your home to be in top condition all winter long so that you can enjoy yourself this holiday season without having an unexpected disaster happen! This article will provide more information about what a professional from Steadfast Roofing assesses during these inspections as well as how they go about it if you’re considering getting one done this year.

 Why professional roof inspection?

 A roof inspection is an integral part of winter preparation! It will help you avoid costly damages to your home and get the most out of your winter months. A thorough professional inspection will help ensure no leaks occur throughout the winter months, which could cause damage inside your home or outside. It is also an excellent time to check for any wear and tear on shingles, gutters, and flashing.

 What does a roof inspection entail?

 Steadfast Roofing professionals will assess the following: 

  • The condition of your roof, including if it needs repairs or requires new materials like shingles. 
  • Whether there are any issues with your attic insulation, such as damaged vent pipes or vents which could lead to leaks. 
  • If you have missing flashings that may be allowing water into areas where it shouldn’t be going (such as the electrical system). This can cause damages over time, so this should not go unnoticed! 
  • To ensure everything is safe from leaves build-up, look out for ice damming; Ice dams happen when the snow melts from underneath your home and then refreezes at the edge of your roof. If this happens, water may leak into your attic or other parts of the house, depending on where you live! Ice dams are a severe problem for homeowners. They can lead to leaks, flooding, and even structural damage. Luckily there is an easy solution with our professionals! 

We begin the process by sealing any cracks or gaps in your roof that could let heat escape from inside the house and out through the attic space. This will stop new ice from forming on top of old layers that may have been melting over time. Next, the professional will use heated air guns to melt away existing snow and ice on your roof while spraying water at it simultaneously using a hose. This will help the ice to melt and slide off your roof, allowing access for any remaining snow on top of it to collapse down in a controlled manner. 

  • Lastly, you’ll want to make sure that rain gutters are in good condition, so they carry off most of the excess water from possible leaks during these months. 

 What are some other things necessary before this season starts? 

  • Make sure there is high maintenance for all gutters, drains, and chimneys for optimum performance. 
  • Ensure the windows are properly insulated so they don’t take as much heat from inside or outside during these cold months, which could save energy in turn! 

 What about those pesky pipes freezing up?

 While dealing with freezing pipes, it might seem like an effortless task for a DIY. However, it requires a lot of expertise to ensure that maximum functionality during the period. Here is what our professionals advise on dealing with freezing pipes.

  1. Clear any ice inside the pipe if you can reach it. You might need to wrap your hand with a towel or glove before reaching down into the toilet bowl as well for this one, just in case, there is leftover waste that could splash back onto your arm.
  2. Fill up a pan with hot water and pour over where the pipes are located (make sure they’re not right next to an area of fire like anything near a stove). This will help thaw them out quickly without making too much noise which would wake neighbors during cold nights when we all want peaceful sleep. 
  3. Take short showers instead of baths since these take less time and use less water overall, which means less time for pipes to freeze. 
  4. Make sure your water heater is fully insulated and set at a temperature that won’t fluctuate during these months (between 50 and 60 degrees) because it will be able to last longer without having any problems or freezing up altogether.

 Don’t forget to schedule your roof inspection before winter. It will help you avoid costly damages to your home and get the most out of this season.